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Stephen King, Copyright: Random House
Stephen King
born: 09-21-1947
in: Portland, Maine


Stephen King reads
"From a Buick 8"
(NY Times)

Read the interview on
the "Dark Tower" series
at Amazon.com

On the same subject:
Stephen King's The Dark Tower 1: A Concordance
"Stephen King's
The Dark Tower 1:
A Concordance"
by Robin Furth

Stephen King, The Dark Tower
The Dark Tower Box Set

1974 .|. Carrie First Chapter at Simon and Shuster
1975 .|. Salem's Lot First Chapter at Simon and Shuster .|. Bookworm's Comment
1977 .|. The Shining Excerpt at Bookreporter.com
1978 .|. The Stand Excerpt at Bookreporter.com
1978 .|. Night Shift
1979 .|. The Dead Zone
1980 .|. Firestarter
1981 .|. Cujo
1982 .|. The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger
     (with Donald M. Grant)
First Chapter at Bookreporter.com
1982 .|. Different Seasons
     (four short stories)
1982 .|. Apt Pupil
     (a novella in 'Different Seasons')
1983 .|. Christine
1983 .|. Pet Sematary First Chapter at Simon and Shuster
1983 .|. The Plant
1984 .|. The Talisman Excerpt from Random House
     (with Peter Straub)
1984 .|. Cycle of the Werewolf
1985 .|. Skeleton Crew
     (short stories)
1986 .|. It .|. Bookworm's Comment
1987 .|. The Eyes of the Dragon
1987 .|. Misery
1987 .|. The Dark Tower II:
      The Drawing of the Three
1987 .|. Tommyknockers
1989 .|. The Dark Half
1990 .|. The Stand - Excerpt at Bookreporter.com
      The complete and uncut Edition
1990 .|. Four Past Midnight
     (four short stories)
1991 .|. The Dark Tower III: The Waste Lands
1991 .|. Needful Things
1992 .|. Gerald's Game
1992 .|. Dolores Claiborne
1993 .|. Nightmares and Dreamscapes
     (collection of short stories)
1994 .|. Insomnia
1995 .|. Rose Madder
1996 .|. Desparation
1996 .|. The Green Mile I: The two dead Girls First Chapter at Simon and Shuster
1996 .|. The Green Mile II: The Mouse on the Mile
1996 .|. The Green Mile III: Coffey's Hands
1996 .|. The Green Mile IV:
      The bad Death of Eduard Delacroix
1996 .|. The Green Mile V: Night Journey
1996 .|. The Green Mile VI: Coffey on the Mile
1997 .|. The Dark Tower IV: Wizard and Glass
1997 .|. The Green Mile: The Complete Serial Novel First Chapter at Simon and Shuster
1997 .|. Six Stories
     (Collection of short stories, limited edition)
1998 .|. Bag of Bones Excerpt at Bookreporter.com
1999 .|. The Girl who loved Tom Gordon First Chapter at Simon and Shuster
1999 .|. Roadwork
1999 .|. Hearts in Atlantis Excerpt at Bookreporter.com
1999 .|. Storm of the Century First Chapter at Simon and Shuster
2000 .|. Riding the Bullet Excerpt at Simon and Shuster
     (Short Stories/Audio)
2000 .|. Different Seasons
2000 .|. On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft Excerpt at Bookreporter.com
2001 .|. LT's Theory of Pets (Audio, read by SK)
2001 .|. Dreamcatcher Excerpt at Bookreporter.com .|. Bookworm's Comment
2001 .|. Black House (with Peter Straub) Excerpt from Random House
2002 .|. The Wavedancer Benefit (Audio)
2002 .|. Everythings Eventual (Short stories) Excerpt at Bookreporter.com
2002 .|. From a Buick 8 Excerpt at Bookreporter.com
2003 .|. The Dark Tower V: Wolves of the Calla Prologue at the Author's Homepage
2004 .|. The Dark Tower VI: Song of Susannah Excerpt at Simonsays.com
2004 .|. The Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower Excerpt at Simonsays.com
2004 .|. Faithful (with S. O'Nan) Excerpt at Simonsays.com
2005 .|. The Colorado Kid .|. Bookreporter.com
2006 .|. Cell Excerpt at Simonsays.com
2006 .|. Lisey's Story Excerpt at Simonsays.com
2007 .|. The Gunslinger Born (Graphic Novel) .|. Bookreporter.com
2007 .|. The Mist (Novella)
2008 .|. Duma Key Excerpt at Simonsays.com .|. Bookreporter.com
2008 .|. Just After Sunset
2009 .|. Under the Dome Excerpt at Simonsays.com
2010 .|. Blockade Billy
2010 .|. Full Dark, No Stars Excerpt at Simonsays.com
2011 .|. 11/22/63
As Richard Bachman:
1977 .|. Rage
1979 .|. The Long Walk
1981 .|. Roadwork
1982 .|. The Running Man
1984 .|. Thinner
1996 .|. The Regulators
2007 .|. Blaze Excerpt at Simonsays.com .|. January Magazine

Book - Salem's Lot      DVD - Salem's Lot
"Salem's Lot" (Pocket Books, First Printing, Paperback, 1999, read: March 00)
"Stephen King's second novel, 'SALEM'S LOT', is the story of a mundane town under siege from the forces of darkness. Considered one of the most terrifying vampire novels ever written, it cunningly probes the shadows of the human heart - and the insular evils of small-town America."

A writer comes back to the small town he grew up in to write a book and to work up a strange experience he had in his childhood. He meets a nice girl and the world seems peaceful. But then 'Jerusalem's Lot' receives two new residents, one of whom seems to be active only at night. The people in town get sick, die ... and come back suddenly.
'Salem's Lot' is one of the books I always wanted to read ... for years. But new publications always came in the way. Now it was time. No wonder the book has been a classic of the horror genre since it was published in 1975. The theme really is typical for a Stephen King novel: the terror which comes upon a small American town. This time it's a vampire who settles down in a strange house with a mysterious past in the outer limits of town. As a fan of the 'Vampire Chronicles' by Anne Rice it's difficult to grasp that the vampire is the personified evil in this case, but here he really is. For 631 pages one is captured by the story and one doesn't know how the two protagonists Ben Mears and Mark Petrie will get out of this. Of course all ends well and the bad guys get what they deserve. This revelation is no big news in a Stephen King novel. But it's close. And really thrilling.
[Dorothée Büttgen, April 00]

Book - It       DVD - Stephen King's It
" It" (Hodder and Stoughton, 32nd printing, paperback, 1987, read: March 01)
"To the children, the town was their whole world. To the adults, knowing better, Derry, Maine was just their home town: familiar, well-ordered for the most part. A good place to live.
It was the children who saw - and felt - what made Derry so horribly different. In the storm drains, in the sewers, IT lurked, taking on the shape of every nightmare, each one's deepest dread. Sometimes IT reached up, seizing, tearing, killing ...
The adults, knowing better, knew nothing.
Time passed and the children grew up, moved away. The horror of IT was deep-buried, wrapped in forgetfulness. Until they were called back, once more to confront IT as it stirred and coiled in the sullen depths of their memories, reaching up again to make their past nightmares a terrible present reality."

This book is a real case of luck for every fan of horror-novels and shouldn't be absent from any library. Anyone who always wanted to read it but then thought that recent novels were much more exciting should delay it no more. It's the most gripping novel I've read in a long time. In the 14 years since it was written one has heard a lot about how good it is. And maybe one has seen the TV movie once or twice already and therefore thought the novel wasn't exciting anymore. But you couldn't be more wrong!
Of course the book is much more explicit than the movie because with its more than 1.100 pages one is busy reading for quite some time. But I couldn't put it down for just a second. The good thing is that the movie doesn't replace the book because the story in general is nothing new: the good (in form of the kids) battles the evil (IT) and the good win. But what happens in betweeen is so terrifying and surprising that it's lots of fun and it might be the end of one or two fingernails which have been bitten off.
The children of course are a bunch of friends one would have liked to have oneself. For everyone theres a figure to identify with. But how would you have reacted to the horror the friends are confronted with? Would you have made it? And would you have returned 30 years later to do it all over again? That leaves room for a lot of speculations and maybe in the end we are all glad that it's "only" a book. Or have we just forgotten what happened?
[Dorothée Büttgen, March 01]

Dreamcatcher       Dreamcatcher (DVD)
"Dreamcatcher" (Pocket Books, Paperback, 1st edition, 2001, read: January 02)
"Once upon a time, in the haunted city of Derry, four boys stood together and did a brave thing. It was something that changed them in ways they could never begin to understand.
Twenty-five years after saving a Down's-syndrom kid from bullies, Beav, Henry, Pete and Jonesy - now men with separate lives and separate problems - reunite in the woods of Maine for their annual hunting trip. But when a stranger stumbles into their camp, disoriented and mumbling something about lights in the sky, chaos erupts. Soon, the four friends are plunged into a horrifying struggle with a creature from another world where their only chance of survival is locked in their shared past - and in the Dreamcatcher."

Only Stephen King is able to do that: to write a story 25 years after the success of "It" with characters so similar that one seems to know them already... Once again they are friends from the small town of Derry, 5 in number, who did a heroic deed when they were young which changed them and linked them close together. But now, 20 years later, they don't meet with the intention to fight evil. They are surprised by it on one of their yearly hunting trips.. But they fight (with more or less success for each them individually) and with the constant help of Duddits, their old friend, who suffers from Down-Syndrom but who has some incredible abilities instead.

I was surprised by the storyline. After reading the cover text I thought the main part of the story would be about four guys fighting in their hunting lodge. But far from true. The storyline leaves this location rather soon and from then on as a reader you're on your own, just as the central character is. An ingenious, fast paced novel, a really good scare, even though its about aliens who threaten humanity. Of course the bad guys don't necessarily come from outer space. They can sit beside you right now or work in powerful military positions right this moment. That's the real horror we all can comprehend. The fight against the aliens seems like childs play in contrast to this.
When you're willing to go with the story you're in for a hell of a ride. When you liked 'It' you just have to read 'Dreamcatcher'. And when you like to read in bed before sleeping you can prepare yourself for some evenings when the light will be left on a while longer!
[Dorothée Büttgen, February 02]

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